C-Bus Stopped Working? Update An Old Smart Home System

Older C-Bus System Fail? When to Update


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Do you have an older C-Bus system in your home or venue that has stopped working? Common issues we see include the touch screens dying completely, or pushing a button on the screen which changes the icon but doesn’t actually execute the command. This usually means the onboard C-Bus Controller has become faulty. The Clipsal Colour Touchscreen series (5080CTC, 5080CTC2 & 5080CTC3 models) were discontinued by Clipsal in 2019 and are no longer available to purchase. There are some repair options, however rather than spending money and time on an old technology, Ryelec can cost-effectively take your old system and cross reference it over onto the new Clipsal C-Bus Automation Technology.

We love working with the Clipsal 5500SHAC and highly recommend it. Using a SHAC means we can use the power cable that is already in place where your old screen was to power up an iPad dock to display your new system. A SHAC also means we don’t need to run data cables in the walls as we can use Wi-Fi technology. Installing a SHAC will ensure your smart home or venue system will perform moving forward, and also opens up a whole new level of control.

With advanced custom apps for your wall-mounted touchscreens, roaming iPads and even completely custom apps for your smartphone – tailored to your home or venue with a considered user interface design to ensure your system is simple to use. The new C-Bus Automation technology will advance your smart building to the exciting levels that automation is now at.


Smart Home Template Automation Graphics



Use Your Old C-Bus System to Program The New


C-Bus has been around for decades, and of course as technology has rapidly advanced over recent years, so too has the smart home. As such, Ryelec has had many clients opt for upgrading their C-Bus System, coming to us when an outdated touch panel has failed. Thankfully, your home or venue already having smart technology provides advantages in terms of time and cost. Often your older files can be extracted or cross-referenced to reprogram a new system. Ryelec can use the older softwares to view your project, see how things are organised by rooms and use that info to develop a new system.

We have our own range of automation graphics packages and an in-house graphic designer, so we can use these templates to quickly develop your system. Usually only a few days are needed for us to program a new C-Bus system, keeping costs down for you. This new system will be beyond anything your old system could do, with advanced scheduling and quick-control scenes. As well as further integration options to expand your smart building if you’d like. And greater device display options with higher definition resolutions and more stylish designs – a renovation for your smart home system.


Smart Home Upgrade Since C-Bus Stopped Working



These Clients C-Bus Stopped Working So They Upgraded!


You can view excellent examples of C-Bus System upgrades below. These projects were both for commercial venues that had older C-Bus which failed over time so they opted to go for a Clipsal C-Bus SHAC with updated, modern interfaces and greater control. You can see the old interface designs included for reference too.



C-Bus Stopped Working Upgrade to SHACC-Bus Stopped Working Upgrade to Clipsal SHAC




Commercial C-Bus Stopped Working SHAC Upgrade


If your old C-Bus stopped working and you’re looking to advance your smart home into the exciting new home automation world, then please send us an email or give us a call to discuss your project and get a quote for a new system.

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