The Local Project does a beautiful feature of this luxury smart home

The Local Project Feature


Wurrungwuri by Carter Williamson Architects

We are very pleased to share that a KNX smart home project we were involved with has been featured by The Local Project.
We are big fans of the work The Local Project puts out, and we’re consistently blown away by the incredible homes that they feature. So it’s amazing to see an in-depth look at the Wurrungwuri project through their lens.

Wurrungwuri is an unbelievable luxury home in the Sydney suburb of Birchgrove. It is an art museum expressed in home form. Every corner of the home has been tastefully designed with breathtaking art throughout.
We provided a smart home system using technology from around the world to match the high calibre of the build. Basalte switches hand-crafted in Belgium. Savant control apps and touchpanels with aesthetic designs and user-friendly apps. Actual photos of the home used as background wallpapers on the touchpanels. Savant touch screen remotes in media areas. Multi-room sound system with discrete speakers indoors and outdoors. Geothermal energy automation so the home always operates in the most energy efficient way. Automated climate control keeps the home at a constant perfect comfortable temperature using renewable energy. Extensive home security system with remote access and monitoring. Discrete motion sensors in hallways and bathrooms that gently ramp lights up as you walk past. Bright, Soft & Off scenes in each room – one tap of a switch and groups of lights go to the perfect levels. Automation at this home adds to the feeling of luxury and sophistication. We’ve integrated a lot of different technologies into one and made the highly complex seem simple. The technology around the home is refined, reliable and intuitive.
You can read our full project write-up on our Birchgrove highlight page.


We encourage you to read The Local Project’s article and take a look through all the incredible images.
You can read the article here.


Watch The Local Project’s video below –


Now, watch our project video to see all the smart home features. 



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